September 15, 2009

Short answers

Where Does Electricity Come From?
Jessica: No, I don't wanna answer this!

Where Does Salt Come From?
Jessica: Mmm...salt! I like salt.
But where does it come from?
Jessica: Ummm...the moon?

How Many Years Have You Been Alive?
Jessica: forty-two.
Jessica: Yeah. More than YOU!

How Much Money Does Daddy Make?
Jessica: A million dollars.

What Is Your Favorite Type of Car?
Jessica: Ooh...a purple one!
A purple WHAT?
Jessica: CAR!

1 comment:

  1. Oh hey, a long time ago on a post you asked me what kind of Japanese movies I liked, and I never responded! I'm sorry!
    Kiki's is really amazing though I've only seen half of it (I got it from the Library and it was scracthed :() I own totoro ^^ such a fantastic movie~

    Ah, well, Whisper Of the heart and Spirited away are really amazing!
