July 31, 2009


Remember my Lord of the Rings GIMP image? Now I realize it kind of stunk. Be patient, because I am new to GIMP :) I will try and make a GIMP made sewing image!!

A GIMP image!!

The ring!!!

(Image credit of http://lawiscool.com/2008/03/29/lord-of-the-rings-as-property-law/ and I added the words, LOL!!!)

July 30, 2009

My Awards!!!

I award this to my mom :)
I award this to all Females, because you are ALL princesses! :)
I award this to anyone who either is colorful or likes to color! :)

Fearfully and wonderfully made! Anyone, take this, please!

these were freebies! They were anyone take, so....yeah.

Sewing Verses

I was thinking about sewing and reading my bible, so that got me thinking, "Are there sewing verses in the Bible???" So I looked it (and yarn, coat, etc.) up in my bible, and here's what I found:

"Besides, who would patch old clothing with new cloth? For the new patch would shrink and rip away from the old cloth, leaving an even bigger tear than before" Mark 2:21

"She makes her own bedspreads. She dresses in fine linen and purple gowns" Proverbs 31:22

"Jacob loved Joseph more than any of his other children because Joseph had been born to him in his old age. So one day he made a special gift for Joseph-a beautiful robe" Genesis 37:3

So there you have it! I guess sewing is a godly thing :)

Another tag!

Do you have an email address? Yes!!!

How many followers do you have? 1, LOL

Who was the last person you talked to on the phone with? My BFF

Are you happy right now? Yeah!!!

What book are you reading now? I juuuust finished the first Lord of the Rings book!! I love it!!

What is the most advanced book you read? Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings or the Bible!!

Do you like your blog? depends on what area you mean.

How long have you been on blogger for? On this blog...this is my second day :)

Is your profile name your real name? I'm not telling you!!

What is your favorite movie? (Choose ONE and ONLY one) Princess Protection Program

Have you seen the new Star Trek? No, and I don't plan to.

Who is your favorite fictional character? (Yes, you may say more than one for this) Sophie LaCroix (Faithgirlz!) Aragorn (Lord of the Rings) Ella (Ella Enchanted) and Aslan (Chronicles of Narnia)

I tag my one and only follower...Hannah!! LOL

July 29, 2009

Hopeless romantic tag

What two qualities do you want most in your future husband (besides being a Christian)?
Handsome and truthful :D

Is there a fictional character you see as a model for your future husband?

Where do you want your wedding?
ohhh...at my church!

What are your views on courtship?

What are your views on your first kiss?
I'm saving my first kiss for my husband on wedding day :D

Do you have or want a purity ring/locket?
I want one...but I don't necessarily NEED one.

Do you have or want a hope chest?
I have one!! I hope to sew something for it :D

Will you wear a veil at your wedding?
Yeah...why wouldn't I?

What kind of wedding dress do you want?
long, white and medevial

What flowers do you want in your bouquet?
Pink roses, lilies(?), and marigolds

What do you want to name one of your daughters?

What do you want to name one of your sons?

Do you believe in the 'knight-in-shining-armor' view of courtship?

What music do you want to play at your wedding?
The Eden string quartet!

Are you a hopeless romantic?
I guess I am!

I tag anyone

An idea for a skirt?

I have a skirt I want to edit, but I don't know what to do!!! Should I add polyester fiber clouds or a cute little bow???? I need you opinion! THANKS!!!

My "edited" barbie

This is the first Barbie I've ever changed up!! Whadda ya think??? She's my sister Jessica's, and she LOVED it!! Jessica is soooo cute! She's four years old and she totally DID love it! lol, see you!

My new blog!!!

Okay, so you can comment if you want! My designs and stuff will be posted!!